Our birthday has come and gone, and we had a fantastic time at the celebrations on Wednesday night. The students (and teachers too) at our Wine Tasting and Curly Hair classes were surprised with freshly baked Laneway Learning birthday carrot and walnut cake; lovingly cooked by Hugh of the Little Mule and decorated by our very own Maria. It was delicious!
Second Anniversary Competition
It’s also time to announce the winners of our birthday competition. We had many entries on the competition page, with some fantastic and heart-warming messages: we are so thrilled that people have such great times at our classes. And some people have taken what they learned further: joining the Melbourne Ukulele Kollective, passing the streetwise-coaster-making skills on to primary school students, or becoming an actual balloon-animal expert!
The first of our runners up is Olivia, following on from an earlier comment about attracting potential lovers:
My favourite class was the Perfume: Fragrance Masterclass. As per Fran’s comments this makes ME a better candidate for potential lovers by being able to wow them with my smell.
The second runner up is Jessica:
Kitchen Cosmology – I learnt so much that I went back with a different group of friends and I almost signed up for a third time. I learnt so much, with a great perspective, in easy to use language with someone who was so passionate about it, but still able to remove him self from his in-depth knowledge, so that he could teach us in a way that was so understandable, interesting and memorable.
I still talk about this class and the facts I have learnt more regularly then I thought I would have and it has given me a whole new perspective on what I see in the sky at night, and the distance and depth involved!
We’re awarding an honourable mention to Luca: we hope to see you at a class soon!
My favourite class is that one that I never had…because I just found this amazing place some days ago when,looking for a bike shop, google maps brought me to you. This mistake that google had (or me 😉 ) will give me the chance to have my favourite class..that one that I will have for sure really soon.
And the winner is Alana for her Laneway Learning Limerick. Who can resist triple alliteration? Not me!
My favourite class would definitely have to be juggling,
Despite the fact I spent most of it struggling.
The ball went up high,
And then smacked me right in the eye,
But still I walked away a very happy little duckling 🙂
Congratulations to all our winners; keep an eye on your email inbox for details on how to claim your prizes!
What’s Next?
The cake is eaten (thankfully it wasn’t a lie; Portal reference ftw), the celebrations have died down, and it’s back to business. We’re entering our third year now, and we are working to make it the best yet! Thanks to you all of you out there for supporting us and the idea of learning as a lifelong, enjoyable journey.
Onward and upward!