

Flowwa for Beginners: Japanese Mindfulness Flower Arrangements with Kerry

Flowwa is a popular Japanese mindfulness art practice in which you make flower arrangement in bottles while paying attention to your state of mind.  These flower bottles are easy to create and make a beautiful home decor.  This beginner’s class will focus on the joy of creating art using parts of nature. No art skills or …


Linocut Printmaking for Beginners: Animal Stamps with Emilie

More than just a floor covering!   Did you know that linocut has been used in printing for over a century and this technique was originally for making wallpaper?   Printing with linocut is similar to woodcut printmaking but a bit easier to work with (because it has no grain to consider like wood). In this class, …


Watercolour for Beginners: Fruit & Vegetables with Emilie

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour paintings! This beginners class will teach you skills and techniques to create your own piece of watercolour art. You will experiment with colour and shapes to create some adorable fruit and vegetable art! All materials provided – just come and have a wonderful time! What will we …


Watercolour for Beginners: Portrait Art with Emilie (Online)

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour paintings! This beginners class will teach you skills and techniques to create your own piece of watercolour art. You will experiment with colour and shapes to create an artistic portrait! What will we cover? This beginner’s painting class will: Focus on using watercolour and illustration skills Cover …


Online Dating: Creating Better Profiles for Better Matches with delsi (Online)

Want to meet the love of your life but scared to put yourself out there? Maybe you want to set up an online dating profile but have no idea where to start! Or maybe you have given it a go but you found the whole process super confusing. Well delsi is here to help you! In this …


Enchantment and Symbolism: The Psychological Function of Fairy Tales with Lisa

Fairy tales exist in a land located far away from here, in a time that is not now. They may include cursed kingdoms, candy houses, and all manner of fantastical happenings. But these old stories also involve injustice, threat, and hostile caregivers among other grim realities. In this class we get curious about the psychological …