

Origami: The Ancient Papercraft

What’s it all about? The rules of origami are simple – just one square sheet of paper, no glueing and absolutely no cutting. In this one night beginners’ class, you will learn to unlock the potential of the simple square and begin to make origami that is fun, elegant and super impressive. From waterbombs and traditional …


What the Fork is Raw Food?

What’s it all about? Raw food is fast becoming a foodie and health sensation, but what the fork is raw food?! Raw foods are made from organic wholefoods and are prepared in a multitude of creative ways to produce delicious and nutritious dishes. The food is kept below the temperature at which most enzymes are …


The Infinite Possibilites of Modular Origami

What’s it all about? Instead of folding representations of things like cranes and flowers modular origami involves folding multiple identical units which can then be assembled in different ways to create beautiful geometrical forms. There are mathematical elements in terms of how the units are assembled. There are aesthetic elements in the choices of papers, …


Sustainable Urban Living

What’s it all about? Think you could do more reduce your impact on the environment, save money and be healthier? Like the convenience (or price) of living close to the city but not the lack of space to garden? Want to be more involved in the production of your food? In this class you will …


Homebrewing: Fun Fermentation

What’s it all about? What’s better than a cold beer on a hot day? A cold beer on a hot day that you’ve brewed yourself. If you like good beer then be warned – the beer you make will be some of the best you’ll ever drink. Come join us in creating hand-made beers as well as …



What’s it all about? Your view of the world is wrong. In this session we learn how and why many conventional maps are incorrect and why it may or may not matter. We also look at some of the sad, gory and checkered stories that have lead to what we know about the world. Or …


Green Up Your Urban Space

What’s it all about? How can you cool your house, reduce food waste, and become more sustainable where you live? Permaculture! Green walls, veggie gardens, chickens, grey water systems.. these are all examples of what you can do to have a greener space and be more environmentally friendly – and all in your own backyard. …


Light Painting: Using Light as Your Brush

What’s it all about? Light painting is fun photographic technique that involves long exposure photography, dark spaces and light (created by anything from a professional torch to a kid’s toy) to create all sorts of artistic compositions. Whether you own a camera or you are just curious about the images, come and learn the secrets of painting with light! What will …