What’s it all about?
In 2015 the world ushered in a new set of goals. They are called the Global Goals for Sustainable Development or better known as the SDGs or if that is too close to STDs then I prefer to call them the Global Goals.
The Global Goals are a set of 17 goals acting as a blueprint for us to achieve three really big things collectively by 2030. You may or may not have heard about them but if you want to boost your global literacy and competency and add value to your everyday outlook on the world come and learn more and make a personal connection with these Global Goals.
What will we cover?
The Global Goals contextualise our personal and collective actions to promote access, opportunity and environmental sustainability.
In this class we will learn, question, share, discuss and ultimately enhance our everyday life and spend time discovering what it means to be an active and effective global citizen.
Specifically we will look at:
- What are the Global Goals and how to make a personal connection with them
- What is a global citizen and how you can be a good one?
- Raising global literacy and competency and why that is good for education, business and government
- What do the Global Goals mean for you, your community, Australia and the world?
- Success stories
- Teaspoons of Change – our personal choices, decisions and action as well as help vs harm
- Tips, techniques and takeaways for us to be more active and effective global citizens
Find out more about the Global Goals on the Teaspoons of Change website.
Who will be teaching?
d’Arcy is a humanitarian, educator, presenter, traveller, campaigner and enjoys new places and new people! In the past 15 years he’s been fortunate to travel, teach and volunteer in over 80 countries learning and experiencing along the way. The three hardest (and most frequent) questions he gets asked are what is your job, where do you live and how do you make money?
He is very keen to share some insights and learning with many years working on-the-ground in development projects and just as much time in advocacy, campaigning and awareness-raising.
d’Arcy was glued at the hip to the MDGs and is deeply embedded in the new Global Goals as he wrote the teacher’s guide for the World’s Largest Lesson as a part of the Project Everyone launch for the Global Goals. He is also passionate about not only doing work helping others but also his own personal choices, decisions and actions to have a positive impact on people and the planet to be the most active and effective global citizen he can be.
To get a few ideas of the things he does including building tiny self-sufficient homes and walking through Japan have a look at his general blog, on Facebook and on Twitter @darcylunn.