What’s it all about?
Let’s get posh! High tea is a lovely way to entertain your friends and a good excuse to raid Nan’s china
cabinet. And it’s delicious!
What will we cover?
Cook along in your own kitchen while we prepare a couple of the key features of a high tea menu – sponge, scones and tartlets.
And we will cover the all-important etiquette required by the occasion and cover many other ideas to make for a fabulous celebration.
- Wheelchair Accessible Space
- Quiet Spaces
- Gender Neutral Bathrooms
- Discounted Early Bird Tickets
- Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreters Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Jennifer McInnes is very keen to inspire you to curate a special event for your friends.
Important info:
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash
Questions or other ways we can assist with accessibility? Feel free to email Maddy (she/her) at melbourne@lanewaylearning.com.