What’s it all about?
Love parties but never sure how to meet people? Want more strategies than hovering in the kitchen awkwardly clutching your drink? Would you like to learn the secrets of people who seem to be having a better time than you? Imagine having so much fun mingling that you might look forward to your next invitation. Join us for this class and learn a bunch of fool-proof strategies.
What will we cover?
We will cover how to start, maintain and elegantly end conversations with people, no matter how well you know them. As you are all in the same boat and there will be a chance to get to know the other people in the room in a supported and fun way. Get the expertise on reading the room and knowing what your “job” is at parties. There is even a bonus bit at the end on ‘how to deal with snubs’ with options for a graceful exit without counter snubbing.
Who will be teaching?
Zerafina Zara loves meeting new people at parties and plays games to make it less intimidating. She is a communication coach who works with public speakers and performers to help them get their message across with confidence whether on stage or video. She has a background in singing, songwriting and performance. In her “spare time” she volunteers for Lort Smith Animal Hospital and loves observing non-verbal language there in dogs and cats too. You can find her on Facebook, Come and say hi!