What’s it all about?
This lesson is all about how to make the perfect fluffy Japanese-style cheesecake that is all the rage in viral YouTube videos, blogs and shops around the world.
What will we cover?
Come to this class and learn:
- A simple and foolproof recipe using only 5 ingredients (cream cheese, milk, flour, eggs and sugar).
- How to create the cheesecake through a step-by-step demonstration.
- More details about adapting the recipe for a chocolate cheesecake.
- Some of the tips and tricks to making a cheese cloud using your own oven.
The class will be easy to follow, you can ask questions along the way.
Note that baking the cheesecake takes longer to make than the length of the class. Your mouthwatering cheesecake won’t have finished the required baking time by the end of the session and will need additional time for it to cool.
Cooking times:
- 40 minutes in a water bath at 140 degrees (Celcius)
- Then a further 20 minutes in a water bath at 120 degrees (Celcius)
- Finally turn oven off and leave for 20 minutes more to cool.
What will you need?
- Ingredients:
- 200g cream cheese (eg. Philadelphia). Lactose-free cream cheese is also ok.
- 200ml full-fat milk. Lactose-free milk is also ok.
- 50g plain (all purpose) flour
- 4 eggs large or jumbo sized (at least 50-60g per egg) – You will need to separate these into yolks and egg whites
- 80g sugar (white, raw or caster are all fine)
- Room temperature butter or margarine (in block or spreadable)
- Optional flavour essence (eg. vanilla, coconut, almond, etc.)
- Kitchen equipment:
- Baking paper
- Electric beater, stand mixer or similar (Or LOTS of wrist power!)
- 2 mixing bowls
- A microwave
- A regular domestic oven
- A rimmed oven tray/pan that can hold at least 2 fingers deep of water
- A 7-10 inch / 17-25cm cake tin*
Comment and tip regarding the cake tin:
Tip: For those that may prefer smaller portions, the recipe quantities can be split into 2 portions and baked together in 2 x 11cm cake tins. These can be purchased at DAISO retail stores for approx $2.80 each.
Other bakeware: You also can use oven proof bakeware, however the cheesecake will be a different shape and look.
Who will be teaching?
Jenny is a sweet tooth and likes cake far too much! When she’s not baking delicious things, she is both a jewellery maker and gift shop owner. For the past 5 years, Jenny has created jewellery in a range of materials but in particular paper-based jewellery (one of her favourite mediums). Jenny’s other passions and skills include interior design, merchandising and origami.