Your teacher Tash is a lover of the labyrinth. No, not the David Bowie film. But the beautiful, turning paths (or elaborate and deceptive designs) from the Ancient Greek.
While labyrinths differ from mazes, in that there is only one path, their continually changing directions can be disorienting. And rather than this being an uncomfortable disorientation, it’s a lovely chance to slow, lose the outside world, and be present.
In this Art-for-Meditation class we’ll cover a quick introduction to labyrinths and then choose a 3-circuit labyrinth design to carve into lino, personalising the centre with your own design. We’ll then print our linocuts onto paper as an artwork and a wooden disc as a hand held meditation tool.
So come and step into a meditative art space and engage with the lovely labyrinth! All materials provided.
What will we cover?
In this hands-on class we will learn:
- A brief history of labyrinths
- How labyrinths are used to guide personal meditation
- How to work with lino and linocut tools
- How to print our linocuts on paper and on wood
Who will be teaching?
Natasha (she/her) is a play specialist and holistic counsellor with an art background. She loves exploring the creative and expressive arts for wellbeing. Over the years she has walked, drawn and sewn many labyrinths, and is now a trained labyrinth facilitator. If you catch her in a labyrinth, she is usually barefoot.
You can learn more about Tash’s work through her website and instagram.
Important info:
Photo: Teacher’s own.
Any other questions or ways we can assist with accessibility? Just email Maddy (she/her) at