Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed, nervous, worried, frustrated, annoyed? How do you respond to these feelings? Has it been working for you?
We frequently hear of the wonderful benefits of meditation and mindfulness. But it’s not always an enjoyable or achievable processes. Does it feel too long, too quiet, brain too busy, too still, forgot to count breaths, can’t concentrate…?
Your teacher Natalie knows these difficulties, and has honed her practice around them by focusing on 10 seconds at a time.
If you’ve tried meditation before and felt it wasn’t for you, or if you’re new to mindfulness practices and are curious, then it’s worth giving Natalie’s 10 second approach to meditation a go. You can learn more about it here: or just jump right in.
What will we cover?
In this class we will:
- Learn a 10 second practice that is often labelled a “mindful mini meditation”
- Practice this calming technique together
- Learn about the different ways we can incorporate this practice into our lives
- Closed Captions
- Early Bird Cheap Tix
- Free Tix for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreter Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Natalie (she/her) like many others once struggled to pause and be still, even 5 minutes was difficult. Her life experiences and practical approach gave birth to “The Practice” that empowers us to pause and be present, one breath at a time, for 10 seconds (less or more) and it works!
Natalie is an author and speaker who teaches this habit of self-reflection known as “The Practice”. You can learn more about the 10 second practice here at
You might also know Natalie from her Middle East Feast classes.
Important info:
Any other accessibility requests or questions? Just email Maddy (she/her) at