Do you ever find yourself repeating the same old money patterns? Feeling pessimistic about money? Does your bank balance stay roughly at the same amount year in and year out even if your income increases? Or do you seem to have an invisible glass income ceiling that you can’t break?
Well, this is super common!
The outcomes we create with money (aka how much we save, spend or earn or how much debt we have) result from our attitude towards money. Your money mentality or attitude determines how you think about money.
What opportunities you do or don’t look for, and then very importantly, the actions you take. And the actions you take, my friend, will dictate the outcomes you get. Aka whether you hit your money goals or not.
In this workshop, we’re going back to the source! We’re going to explore and uncover your money attitudes, many that you might not even realise you have? But they are affecting your money situation. Then, we’re going to look at specific tools and techniques that will give you the right mentality to hit the money goals that possibly you’ve been struggling to achieve.
So, are you ready to adopt the money mentality to reach your goals?
What will we cover?
In this class you will:
- Discover what your money story is and how it has shaped your current money situation.
- Learn five of the most disempowering money phrases that hold you back from reaching your goals and what to replace them with to mind to new ideas.
- Learn specific tools to generate new ideas to reach your money goals.
- Learn how to create a personalised plan that you can actually stick to in order to achieve your goals.
- Learn my top tips and hacks to make your goals achievable and overcome any pesky self-sabotage.
- Walk away with daily journal prompts and practices that will train your brain to adopt a new perspective that will help you reach your goals – even in times of uncertainty.
What will you need?
- Pen and paper
- Closed Captions
- Early Bird Cheap Tix
- Free Tix for First Nation Attendees
- Auslan Interpreter Upon Request
Who will be teaching?

Alex Harvey is a holistic money coach and educator who is passionate about supporting others to break past money patterns and become empowered with this vital life resource.
Alex blends inner work and practical financial skills to empower people to finally create their life goals and ‘best life’ lifestyle. Four years ago she created a money management system which enabled her to save $30K in one year despite having income that was up-and-down and inconsistent. You can connect with her on her Instagram and Facebook or sign up for her free money training.
Important info:
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
Any other accessibility requests or questions? Just email delsi (she/her) at