
Poetry: The Wordsmith’s Tongue

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Can’t find places for all your “murdered darlings“? Maybe poetry’s for you!

This class will be an interactive overview for those interested in writing poetry, from developing an idea to structuring it on the page.

What will we cover?

We will analyse the multifarious tools of poetry, from the overstated meter to the overlooked antanaclasis, with cited examples and demonstrations. Together with an exploration of where poetry – and its various forms – sit within the general sphere of writing, we will also examine their impact as both a verbal and visual phenomena. Time permitting, exercises will focus on the application of the aforementioned. And, of course, discussions and participation are definitely encouraged!

Who will be teaching?

Alexander D’Aloia is a freelance writer, screenwriter and poet based in Melbourne. With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing majoring in Screenwriting, for the past three years he has been studying at RMIT University; and in 2012, he was shortlisted for the Newcastle Poetry Prize. Prior to that, for two-and-a-half years he co-hosted the (now defunct) indie-music-reviewing blog Highly Evolved under the guise enantiomorphicgod. Currently, he resides at the Wheeler Centre with Australian Poetry as an intern, and as their Editorial Assistant for the online publication Sotto Magazine.