This is a two-week class with the first part taking place on the 16th of May and the second happening on the 23rd of May (Fee covers both classes). Please come at the same time in the second week as you do in the first.
The price of silver is NOT included, because it will vary depending on the size of the jewellery (and the number of items) you make. Silver costs are based on the size and weight of the finished item and can range between a few dollars to hundreds, this will be explained in the class and you will have full control over this cost in class
What’s it all about?
Make your own silver jewellery out of gumnuts, leaves, seeds and more…
In this class you will learn the technique of “Lost wax casting” by using one out of a few different types of wax and learning how they work with small natural objects (i.e Gum nuts) to create your own sterling silver jewellery through a 2-part lesson. You can make pendants, rings, earrings out of lovely nature.
What will we cover?
You will be taught a quick intro into what is lost wax casting then followed by how to use the tools and waxes provided for you to create your own jewellery. In the 2 part class you will be taken through the very hand-on process of how to use found materials to make your own silver cast piece by learning what are the can-dos and can’t-do rules with casting, what materials can be cast and some of the other basic fundamentals of how to make a wearable piece of jewellery.
Students are encouraged to bring their own selection of DRIED plants and seed pods for experimentation. Items that are small and hard are good, twigs, gum-nuts and seed pods are good to experiment and play with in the class. Make sure that items smaller than 1 cm in size.
Closed Captions
Early Bird Cheap Tix
Free Tix for First Nation Attendees
Auslan Interpreted Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Qing has been creating her own art and jewellery projects for over 15 years, during which she created custom projects and taught her skills to people of all age groups. Her favorite mediums to work with are paper, fabric and shiny beads; items allowing the freedom to do bold and detailed work alike.