or The 5 Point Palm Exploding Stress Technique
What is it all about?
A basic Swedish based massage sequence for absolute beginners that can be learned, practised, followed, perfected and used on all areas of the body to provide relaxation for just about anyone you choose. The focus of this class is on simple techniques, lots of repetition, confidence and getting started at home.
WARNING you will probably become popular beyond your wildest dreams – Laneway Learning and the Green Genie take no responsibility for rising demands on your time and subsequent hand fatigue.
What will we cover?
Our computer-centric modern lives can lead to eye strain, tight chests, aches, pains and stiffness. Headaches, teeth grinding – we’ve all been there – busy lives can literally be a pain in the neck. Who ya gonna call? STRESSBUSTERS!
The plan:
- positioning (seated, lying) and how to achieve these at home
- massage etiquette
- simple techniques we will turn into a routine
- practise practise practise until all participants are uber confident
- a demonstration on how to turn the sequence into an oil massage
- tips for making a great massage environment
- photos, short videos and resources
BONUS – a take home bottle of relaxation aromatherapy massage oil.
REALLY IMPORTANT AWKWARD MOMENT ALLEVIATION NOTE – we will be giving a lot of seated, no-oil massage in class. If you are looking for an observational class or do not like to be touched – this is simply not the class for you.
Who will be teaching it?
The Green Genie (aka Shan) has an eco micro business and leads a community of over 800 online peeps – promoting her green wares and sharing eco ideas. A green thinker-liver-do’er, container gardener, seed saver, food forager, enthusiastic recycler, volunteer, animal lover and climate activist. You’re in good hands when the Green Genie gets an opportunity to chew your ears off (yes, most likely both) on how to approach a fresh, green, affordable and sustainable life-path.