Mental Health Week with City Libraries 2019

This year we are also collaborating with City of Melbourne and City Libraries, to offer two free classes during Mental Health Week!

Mental Health Week aims to activate, educate and engage Victorians about mental health, through a week of interactive events across the state, including an official launch, community festivals, art exhibitions, music, theatre and seminars.” – Mental Health Foundation Australia

All classes happen at Kathleen Syme Library, 251 Faraday Street, Carlton at 6:15-7:30pm. See below for more information about the workshops and remember to book as the spots are limited

Mental Health Week will take place from October 7th to 13th, 2019, with several activities and talks around the city. See the full program online.

Your Mind on Movement

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
6:15pm to 7:30pm at Kathleen Syme Library

Exercise can improve your brain in many ways, from improving your mental health to helping you focus better while you study. We know that endorphins from exercise have a positive effect on the brain. Exercise has many benefits for the brain from improving mental health to increasing focus for study and other activities.

Who will be teaching?

Rachel Evans is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist who has worked with people of all ages and backgrounds to become the healthiest version of themselves that they can – both physically and mentally. She is passionate about teaching others about the benefits of physical activity on our brains and believes that the most effective type of exercise is the kind that you enjoy. Rachel has helped to improve the lives of her clients in person across Queensland and New South Wales, and online around Australia through her company RE.connection Project.

Bookings for Your Mind on Movement.

Active mindfulness

Thursday, October 10th, 2019
6:15pm to 7:30pm at Kathleen Syme Library

Too many of us are suffering at the hands of our busy lives. By adding a little mindfulness practice into your daily life, you can counter the negative effects of modern life and find a bit more breathing room. In this beginners mindfulness workshop it will debunk misconceptions about meditation and provide hands-on practical tips for de-stressing, improving focus and boosting immune health. The class will cover different techniques that you use to can tune in and relax, even if you are on the go. No dark, quiet room required!

Who will be teaching?

Coco has been involved with mindfulness and meditation for over 6 years. He is certified in Chinese Taoist meditation and Shaolin Qi Gong and has also been trained in MICBT (mindfulness integrated cognitive behavioral therapy). Coco works with Reality Based Mindfulness (RBM) and his approach is non-religious.

Bookings for Active Meditation.

The two featured images above are in the public domain.