LL x Unicorns presents Queer Social

Hello and Welcome Beautiful Humans!

Queer social has wrapped up for 2021 but we will come back in 2022 with new and popular workshops for everyone!

If you’d like to teach with us in 2022, there is a tab below and if you want more information, email us!

Check this short wrap up video for some of the things we got up to 🙂

We wanted to create a space for LGBTQIA+ people to connect outside of party vibes, make new pals and enjoy in the fun of learning new things….

So Laneway Learning and Unicorns teamed up to invent QUEER SOCIAL – a queer workshop and social space for queers, by queers.

Learning new things has so many benefits, from developing new skills to increasing mental wellbeing. And it’s also just fun!

So come and join us for this cute new workshop series and be surrounded by other lovely queer people – you could also meet your new best friend or soul mate! 😉

We will be learning anything and everything – from how to make home-make eco-glitter bath bombs, to money management hot tips and how to crochet a unicorn!

There will also be fun little games to get you mingling and chill times at the end to hang out in our colourful space. 

The workshops are also going to be super cheap thanks to a bunch of legend sponsors like City of Melbourne and Bank Australia – thank you x 100 for being on board to support us queers!


  • Wheelchair Accessible Venue
  • Gender Neutral Bathrooms
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Low Level Music
  • Discounted Tickets
  • Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees
  • Auslan Interpreted Upon Request 


Two humans: Maria – Laneway Learning (she/her) and delsi – Unicorns (she/her).

Laneway Learning and Unicorns, are both community organisations that focus on creating spaces for our community.

We do it out of love and passion for developing safer spaces, with open hearts and all our empathy, commitment and energy.

However, there is only two of us so please be mindful that we might take some time to get back to you. 

Artwork by @plasticmessiah

There are no classes that match your search.

That workshop was life changing.
Queer Social Attendee (September 2021)

OMG I have missed Unicorns and the community around it. Seeing everyone at Queer Social made me feel like I could get through this pandemic.
Queer Social Attendee (October 2021)

The second the workshop ended, I recommended it to 3 other queer friends. Lockdown has been hell on mental healthy. Counselling and psychiatry offices are booked, their waitlists are closed. This isn't the cure, but let me tell you - I'm having the first good day in months and I owe it all to last nights workshop. Thank you.
Queer Social Attendee (October 2021)

These events are fulfilling an overlooked need for queer disabled folk in Melbourne. I appreciate that the topics are fun and uplifting. We need more of this.
Queer Social Attendee (August 2021)

Just fill this form if you’d like to teach a class at Queer Social!

All teachers are paid and will be invited to a thank you party at the end of the workshop series.

We might receive quite a few applications so we may not be able to get back to all of you. But we will defo keep everyones application on file in case we find a suitable future spot. 

We are looking for volunteers to help us host these fabulous classes. Please read the information here and fill the form (selecting Queer Social in class format).

If you are feeling distress or need someone to talk to there is always someone who will listen.

Here are some fantastic organisations and helplines that we recommend contacting:

Past Queer Socials


SOLD OUT – Queer Social Footscray: Ex Libris Stamp Making with Emilie

Have you ever enthusiastically loaned a favourite book to a friend, housemate, family member and it never came back? You need an ex-libris! Ex-libris are stamps that are used to mark books from a collection, usually used by libraries.  In this class, Emilie will teach you how to design and make your very own custom…


SOLD OUT – Queer Social Footscray: Leathercraft Basics, make a Leather Purse with Gosia

Discover the art of Leathercraft! In this workshop, you’ll learn the fundamentals of leatherworking while creating your own unique and sustainable leather pouch. Using 100% repurposed leather, you'll be guided through all aspects of this project, from creating the initial pattern, to stitching and embellishing, to create your own one-of-a-kind leather pouch that reflects your…


Queer Social Footscray: Intro to Linocut with Emilie

More than just a floor covering!  Did you know that linocut has been used in printing for over a century and this technique was originally for making wallpaper?    Printing with linocut is similar to woodcut printmaking but a bit easier to work with (because it has no grain to consider like wood). In this…


Queer Social Footscray: Kokedama Moss Balls with Winter

Kokedama is an ancient Japanese botanical art like bonsai or ikebana art. The word ‘Kokedama’ means ‘moss ball’ in Japanese as they are plants living in freestanding balls of moss-covered soil instead of pots. Kokedama are a beautiful way to bring greenery into your home and are ideal for apartments or flats with minimal space.…


Queer Social Footscray: Sewing Basics – Felt Badges, patches and everything in between with Raize

Sewing is a really nifty skill. From small clothing repairs and alterations, to bold accessories and costumes! Come and learn some beginner sewing stitches and techniques and put your new found skills to use sewing a felt badge or patches ( pronoun badges for example). You can also take the pattern home to reproduce it…


SOLD OUT – Queer Social Footscray: Sculpting the Human Body with Maddy

Queer socials are community events that are half social chats with a bunch of like minded queer people and half fun, educational and interactive workshop. All workshops are taught by queers, for queers. Come and explore clay sculpting! In this class we'll learn the basics of creating a small torso of the human figure. The human…


Queer Social Footscray: Learn to Code 101 with May

This event will be half social fun times with a bunch of like minded queer people and half super cute workshop times! When you think of coding, do you think difficult and boring? ! Well we'd like to change your mind on that! Just like pottery, crochet, or painting, coding is about creating something of…


SOLD OUT – Queer Social Footscray: Beginner Botanical Watercolours with Caro

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour painting and illustrating! Whether you're a total beginner or haven't picked up pencils and brushes in a while, watercolour is a most engaging art medium. Fall in love with the brush strokes, creating your own colours, and lose yourself in the shapes and texutres of nature and…


SOLD OUT – Queer Social Footscray: Cute Closed Terrariums with Winter

This event will be half social chats with a bunch of like minded queer people and half fun, educational and interactive workshop. All workshops are taught by queers, for queers. Closed terrariums are miniature, self-sufficient indoor gardens. They're cute, fun to make, simple to care for, and easy to recreate again at home.   If you…


Queer Social Footscray: Queer Graphic Memoirs with Khale

Graphic storytelling is a uniquely accessible tool that can make complex and difficult topics easy for the reader to understand. Many people find a comic much easier and more comfortable to engage with than an essay or novel. Graphic storytelling can be a great way to tell our own stories - and our own nuanced…


SOLD OUT – Queer Social: Beginner Botanical Watercolours with Caro

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour painting and illustrating! Whether you're a total beginner or haven't picked up pencils and brushes in a while, watercolour is a most engaging art medium. Fall in love with the brush strokes, creating your own colours, and lose yourself in the shapes and texutres of nature and…


Queer Social Footscray: The Art of Shibari with Harli

Join us for a guided journey into the exciting world of rope bondage. Designed for curious, caring creatures, this class will explore the artform’s potential for profound intimacy, connection and trust building. We will learn the important foundations of safety and rope-craft before learning some basic yet effective techniques for empowering your inner rope-top. The lesson structure is designed…

Queer social is supported, as part of the Social Partnership program, by The City of Melbourne council.

We also received a customer impact grant from Bank Australia.