

Needle Felting: Cottage Pin Cushions with Heather

What’s it all about?  Needle felting is the process of turning loose wool into a solid felt using a barbed needle – it’s a very easy craft that doesn’t require extensive equipment. Using the dry needle felting technique you’ll be taught how to create basic 2D and 3D shapes, to develop into the cutest cottage …


Shibari 101: Rope Bondage with Harli

Shibari is the erotic practice of traditionally informed Japanese rope bondage. Join us for a guided journey into this exciting world! In this introduction to shibari we will learn the important foundations of safety and rope-craft before learning some basic yet effective knots and techniques for both the tie-ers (Riggers) and the tie-ees (Bunnies) All welcome. The lesson structure is …


Shibari for Intimacy: Creating Deeper Connection with Harli

Shibari is the erotic practice of traditionally informed Japanese rope bondage. Join us for a guided journey into this exciting world! This class will cover the basics of Shibari knot tying, but with a specific focus on the art form’s potential for facilitating profound intimacy, connection and trust building with partners. In all of our …


Drawing Basics: Expressive Characters and Avatars with Pouya

Drawing is one of the simplest way to create art, but many people feel uncomfortable to draw as they think they are “not good at drawing”, “not artistic” or “not creative”. Not True! Drawing is a pleasure for everyone to enjoy. This engaging and dynamic class is all about the fundamentals of character design. You’ll learn …


Watercolours for Beginners: Watercolour Dinosaurs with Emilie (Online)

In this intro to watercolours class, Emilie will teach the basics of colour mixing and brush work through some fun dinosaur illustrations ! And how cool are dinosaurs?  We’ll learn about mixing our watercolours to make the most of the beautiful textures that watercolour has to offer. We’ll also start to develop more control of …


Colour Theory for Watercolour with Emilie (Online)

Watercolour is a wonderful medium to start learning about the basics of colour theory. Get your watercolour set and join this class to learn all about composing a colour palette and mixing your watercolours!  We’ll work on a couple of illustrations exploring the full spectrum of colour and learn to control the tonal value of …