

Special Edition: Eco Paints and Painting with Serene

It’s plastic-free July! And to reflect on plastics and explore alternate materials, Serene is running her wonderful workshop on plastic-free, eco-friendly paint making. Serene has taught us to draw many sea and land animals who benefit from less plastics in their habitat! This class will be a surprise creature – new to Laneway Learning! Did …


Drawing Persian Geometry with Pouya

Drawing is one of the simplest way to create art, but many people feel uncomfortable to draw as they think they are “not good at drawing”, “not artistic” or “not creative”. Not True! Drawing is a pleasure for everyone to enjoy. In this beginner-friendly workshop you will explore Persian Nomadic Patterns & Iranian Tiling Geometry, and use …


A Fun Intro To Collagraph Printmaking with Tish

Collagraph is a fun printing technique using 3D materials to build up an image that becomes the base that we print from. Experiment with different textures and materials in this beginner collagraph class. This is a fun class where you can work with unconventional materials to create printmaking artworks! It’s not too tricky, but having …


Creative Sketch-booking with Watercolour with Emilie (online)

Watercolour is an easy to pick up painting skill and is the perfect companion to start a sketchbook!  In this class, Emilie will share with you her tips to start a regular creative practice through sketchbooking. You don’t need any experience to start filing in a sketchbook with easy watercolour illustrations! In this class, you’ll …


Watercolour Fruit & Veg with Emilie (online)

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour paintings! Watercolour is an easy yet expressive painting skill to pick up, and this beginners class will teach you skills and techniques to create your own piece of watercolour art. In this class, Emilie will share with you her warm up exercises and tips for experimenting with colour and shapes to …


3D Collage with Yianni

Collage can sometimes be seen as just a 2D art form, but adding texture and depth can add another dimension to a work, offering perspective, depth of field, a greater level of realism and sometimes some trickery of the eye. Come and explore the possibility of the depths and heights of collage, have a good …


Drawing Persian Geometry with Pouya

Drawing is one of the simplest way to create art, but many people feel uncomfortable to draw as they think they are “not good at drawing”, “not artistic” or “not creative”. Not True! Drawing is a pleasure for everyone to enjoy. In this beginner-friendly workshop you will explore Persian Nomadic Patterns & Iranian Tiling Geometry, and use …


Watercolour for Beginners: Fresh Flowers with Emilie (Online)

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour paintings! This beginners class will teach you skills and techniques to create your own piece of watercolour art. You will experiment with colour and shapes to create a piece of Spring floral watercolour art! What will we cover? This beginner’s painting class will: Focus on using watercolour and …