

Feldenkrais: Free the Neck (Chair Version) with Ralph (online)

Do you find you wake up with a stiff neck? Or maybe your neck aches a little after you’ve hunched over your laptop all day? Get a safe and easy fix for neck tension and stiffness using the ingenious Feldenkrais movement exercises. Feldenkrais is a clever exercise system using gentle movement and mindfulness.  Come and …


Shibari 101: Rope Bondage with Harli

Shibari is the erotic practice of traditionally informed Japanese rope bondage. Join us for a guided journey into this exciting world! In this introduction to shibari we will learn the important foundations of safety and rope-craft before learning some basic yet effective knots and techniques for both the tie-ers (Riggers) and the tie-ees (Bunnies) All welcome. The lesson structure is …


Self Massage for your Mornings with Ralph (Online)

Are mornings a bit of a bodily struggle? Learn how to wake up your body and mind each morning with a fun 6-minute self-massage. Get the blood flowing, loosen up your muscles and release tension.  Together we’ll learn a daily routine developed by Ralph, with over 40 years of practice on himself, clients and teaching …


Feldenkrais: Deep Rest for Better Sleep with Ralph (Online)

Is the tempo of life creeping faster and faster? Or is there more on your mind as you try to drift off? Perhaps your over-worked body has aches and strains. Whatever it is that’s keeping you from the sleep you need, you can improve your sleep with Feldenkrais! The Feldenkrais Method® (Feldenkrais) is a universal method for improving …


Feldenkrais: Ease Your Lower Back (Floor Version) with Ralph

Experiencing tension in your back that you’d love to release? Come and join this evening workshop and learn some techniques from the Feldenkrais method to help ease your lower back. Feldenkrais are movements that soften, release and ease tension within the body. Knowing these movements can improve your posture, balance and strength. Join Ralph to learn how …


Shibari for Intimacy: Creating Deeper Connection with Harli

Shibari is the erotic practice of traditionally informed Japanese rope bondage. Join us for a guided journey into this exciting world! This class will cover the basics of Shibari knot tying, but with a specific focus on the art form’s potential for facilitating profound intimacy, connection and trust building with partners. In all of our …


The Art and Exercise of Bellydance with Alia

Belly dancing doesn’t require a bare belly! So put that idea to the side! Belly dancing is a wonderful form of movement and dance that focuses on isometric exercises, where one muscle group works in the opposite direction to other muscle groups. It’s such an effective form of exercise as it doesn’t require going down …


The Art and Exercise of Bellydance with Alia

Belly dancing doesn’t require a bare belly! So put that idea to the side! Belly dancing is a wonderful form of movement and dance that focuses on isometric exercises, where one muscle group works in the opposite direction to other muscle groups. It’s such an effective form of exercise as it doesn’t require going down …