Self Care


Time Management for your Life Goals with Christie (Online)

Hola! If you’re feeling like your life is out of whack and in serious need of balance and direction, then this class might be for you. HOLA stands for Holistic Organising Life Audit, and we say “holistic” because all areas of our lives really are interconnected. A life audit of this type gives you tools and …


Feldenkrais: Free the Neck (Chair Version) with Ralph (online)

Do you find you wake up with a stiff neck? Or maybe your neck aches a little after you’ve hunched over your laptop all day? Get a safe and easy fix for neck tension and stiffness using the ingenious Feldenkrais movement exercises. Feldenkrais is a clever exercise system using gentle movement and mindfulness.  Come and …


Journaling and the Power of Affirmations with Ingrid (Online)

Your thoughts matter. The way you think about yourself and others has an impact on the way you feel. Just because you have a loud negative voice inside your mind (we all have one of those), doesn’t mean that it’s the voice you should be listening to. Journal writing is an incredible way to gently question your …


Self Massage for your Mornings with Ralph (Online)

Are mornings a bit of a bodily struggle? Learn how to wake up your body and mind each morning with a fun 6-minute self-massage. Get the blood flowing, loosen up your muscles and release tension.  Together we’ll learn a daily routine developed by Ralph, with over 40 years of practice on himself, clients and teaching …


Feldenkrais: Ease Your Lower Back (Floor Version) with Ralph

Experiencing tension in your back that you’d love to release? Come and join this evening workshop and learn some techniques from the Feldenkrais method to help ease your lower back. Feldenkrais are movements that soften, release and ease tension within the body. Knowing these movements can improve your posture, balance and strength. Join Ralph to learn how …


Good Laughs, Good Mood: Laughter Movement with Joshinder

Need a refreshing and revitalising circuit breaker? A way to feel present in your body, with a boost for the mind and mood? Laughter yoga, or laughter movement, might be right up your alley! Laughter gives us a big dose of endorphins and dopamines – the hormones and chemicals that helps us feel good. And …


Meditation for Those Who Dislike Meditation with Natalie (Online)

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed, nervous, worried, frustrated, annoyed? How do you respond to these feelings? And how has that been working for you? would you like more calm from time to time? We frequently hear of the wonderful benefits of meditation and mindfulness. But it’s not always an enjoyable or achievable processes. Does it feel …


Journaling Writing to Sharpen Your Focus with Ingrid (Online)

As wonderful as technology is, it is a constant distraction. It quickly absorbs our energy, attention and focus, making us less present for ourselves and others.  Journal writing is an incredible way to give yourself some tech-free time, the time to gain clarity, problem solve, and feel more present and focused.  As you journal, you’ll be inspired to …


Meditative Doodling for Beginners with Ethel (Online)

Fancy an art class that really, truly requires no drawing experience? Love art but don’t always feel creative? This class give you an introduction to simple doodling using straight forward but versatile techniques. Pairing things black to simple black and white, learn to creative bold and striking patterns with just a single pen. As well …