What’s it all about?
Nothing beats the smell of fresh bread baking. Houses are sold on this alone (apparently) and the act of sharing (or ‘breaking’) bread has been bringing people together for generations. But in this modern world of industrial methods and mass production, bread has lost both the tradition and nutrition that it once had.
If you’ve ever wanted to make your own bread, but have been put off by tales of doughy disasters then this class is for you!
What will we cover?
We will learn all about baking bread at home, from scratch.
The workshop will be a demonstration with opportunity for you to get involved in some of the hands-on elements. We’ll explore the basics of making bread at home (ingredients, equipment, recipes, methods, the process) and the essential techniques (mixing, kneading, shaping, proofing, baking). And yes, we’ll also be tasting some homemade bread as well.
This class is suitable for those who have little to no bread making experience. We won’t be making sourdough in this workshop (although we will definitely talk about it) or gluten free bread.
Who will be teaching?
Steph (@readystephcook) is a largely self-taught, enthusiastic home cook. She hails from the UK but now calls Melbourne home. During her journey from ready meals to a confident home cook she discovered a love for bread making. She is currently curating her own ‘breaducation’ and exploring the wonderful world of sourdough in more depth. When not in the kitchen Steph, designs and facilitates professional and leadership development courses and loves it when these two worlds collide in the Laneway classroom.