What’s it all about?
Meditation has been around for at least 5000 years. Over the last 40 years scientific research has validated the depth and breadth of its health benefits.
We all know that meditation is good for us, but how can we make it our own? What does it take to create and sustain an enjoyable and satisfying meditation practice?
What will we cover?
The craft of meditation will be our main focus. By practising a blend of shorter (1-3min) and longer (10-15min) guided meditations, you’ll learn valuable skills for relaxation, stress reduction, better health and clarity of mind. When you know how, you can reduce your stress levels by five or ten per cent in less than a minute.
We’ll look at how to change our body chemistry for the better. By getting into “rest and digest” mode we can improve our circulation, digestion and sleep quality. Recognising the physical and mental signs of relaxation as they occur will enable you to relax quickly and deeply at will.
The more familiar you become with your “happy place”, the easier it will be for you to get there.
Who will be teaching?
Paul Majewski is the director of specialist meditation training provider Meditation Solutions. He has more than 20 years’ experience as a meditation teacher in adult community education and workplace training. Before taking up the quiet life, Paul played guitar in three punk bands.
Check out Paul’s website and find him on Facebook.