What’s it all about?
Love crocheting and want to keep going all Summer but it’s too hot for yarn? Jump on the t-shirt yarn train and crochet all sorts of cool projects, from baskets to rugs or pillows.
T-shirt yarn is made out of fabric leftovers and you can make your own using old t-shirts or clothing items too damaged to give to op stores. Join us and learn two skills in one class!
What will we cover?
This class has two parts:
- How to make your own t-shirt yarn out of old t-shirts. You can use this yarn to make rugs, crochet, knit, macramé and do all sorts of other crafts.
- Once we have our yarn ready, we’ll learn the basics of crocheting round projects using magic circle, single crochet and slip stitch.
Who will be teaching?
Maria Yebra has crafted many cute and weird things in her life from fox hoodies to bias tape planters, wax skulls and cat rings. She loves to upcycle and has an extensive collection of loved “crap” she plans to turn into something useful one day.
In addition to crafting, she also has a passion for cooking and baking, light painting, Spanish shoes and running Laneway Learning.