What’s it all about?
Have you ever tried crocheting and just didn’t get it? where are the stitches? what is yarn over? maybe learned online and are not sure of how to keep tension or position your hands? This class is the ultimate crochet 101 for anyone who has tried before and give up. Don’t! We’ll get a massive hook, chunky t-shirt yarn and you’ll leave this class crocheting for sure! and if you have never tried it but want to come along as well.
T-shirt yarn is made out of fabric leftovers and you can make your own using old t-shirts or clothing items too damaged to give to op stores. It’s much thicker and stretchy than wool so it’s easier to learn, think of it as crocheting with training wheels.
What will we cover?
We will learn the basic stitches for crocheting with any material: chain and single crochet. However we’ll be using chunky t-shirt yarn and a biiiiiiig hook which makes it much easier to see the stitches and get a hang of the mechanics of crochet.
Once we are all comfortable with the basics we’ll progress to double crochet and attempt to start a cute basket or rug base. All materials provided, including some extra t-shirt yarn to take home.
Who will be teaching?
Maria Yebra has crafted many cute and weird things in her life from fox hoodies to bias tape planters, wax skulls and cat rings. She loves to upcycle and has an extensive collection of loved “crap” she plans to turn into something useful one day.
In addition to crafting, she also has a passion for cooking and baking, light painting, Spanish shoes and running Laneway Learning.