What is it all about?
Essential oils are the pure and potent “essence” of plants. They have been used for thousands of years for everything from embalming, bathing, flavouring, perfumery and holistic healing.
In this workshop, learn about essential oils for fragrance and treat your nose with beautiful fragrances! What a great way to get you through your day.
What will we cover?
In this workshop we will get a brief history of aromatherapy: how ancient civilisations used it and how an accident in the laboratory led to modern aromatherapy. Then, we’ll learn how to integrate aromatherapy into our everyday lives.
With noses poised and hands ready for action, this class will teach you about:
- fragrance families
- top, middle and base ‘notes’
- formulating a blend
- how to store and use essential oils
- essential oil safety and sustainability
- how to select quality oils, where to buy them and the difference between synthetic or “fragrance” oils
You’ll go home with your own essential oil blend, plus loads of resources and recipes for how to use your blend including hand creams and perfume balms, linen sprays, perfume and more.
Who will be teaching it?
The Green Genie makes all sorts of cruelty-free perfume and skincare products, and teaches people massage, stress reduction, and how to make their own toiletries and green cleaning products using essential oils. She also delivers proven, practical life-hacks on small space gardening, sprouting and urban foraging, while by day she’s a soft-tissue therapist and sports trainer. GG will help you to discover simple solutions to everyday problems, be the healthiest and happiest you, and save time, money, effort and the planet. Results guaranteed!