What’s it all about?
The story goes that Columbus set off in 1492 looking for India and bumped into the West Indies. He was on a mission to find pepper and other spices but found chillies. Not to go home empty handed, he took his spice back to Spain and really kicked off a food revolution.
Chillies have become a part of almost every cuisine around the world – why did it become so popular?
What will we cover?
Chilli, chillie, chile, chilli peppers, pimiento, paprika, miris – whatever you call them, they are fabulous, and good for you.
We’ll sample some chilli treats, and talk about their great variety, what makes them hot, how they are used, where to source them, the Scoville heat rating scale, the reputation of the madly hot Carolina Reaper chilli and whatever else can be squeezed into our time.
Who will be teaching?
Jennifer McInnes of Hells Breath for chilli lovers, has been making chilli products for the past 15 years and is very keen to promote the use of chilli. She is committed to promoting chilli as a fabulous flavour, not as a test of masculinity.