
Getting Started with Stop Motion

This class has passed
This class has passed

What’s it all about?

Have you ever wanted to make your own animated films? Bring a favourite toy or a clay model to life? This class will cover everything you need to get started making stop motion animated films using a surprisingly simple setup.

What will we cover?

We will find out how stop motion films are made, and how we can use our smartphones to mimic a stop motion studio. Once we have our camera set up, we will be using Plasticine models (or bring your own Lego minifig!) and creating miniature animation films that you can save and share with your friends. Throughout the class we will also be touching on the principles of animation, to help keep your animation believable and appealing!

Who will be teaching?

jarrodJarrod has been working in animated feature films for the past 5 years, on projects such as Happy Feet, The Lego Movie, Spongebob Squarepants and Ted 2. Loving any and all things animated, you can find him on or front-row-center at the latest animated movie.