What’s it all about?
Have you ever set a goal then struggled to find the motivation to achieve it?
We all have examples, ranging from eating healthily and exercising, to finding a new job or starting that dream project (writing the book, starting the business etc.).
The good news is that you can stop beating yourself up for not achieving your goals because it turns out that the reason some goals are so damnably difficult to achieve is not you! It’s the way we are taught and conditioned to set goals and “try” to achieve them that is totally ineffective.
What we will cover?
In this transformational session we will discuss:
- The problem with goal setting
- Toxic goals
- How your goals might be keeping you from achieving your biggest success
- Strategic intuition: an alternative to clear goals
- The three most important questions to ask yourself
- Creation-based thinking and more
Who will be teaching?
Jahan Kay is the founder of the Do Work You Love Movement and author of the upcoming book Career Breakthrough. An educator by profession, Jahan started the movement to help others find and do soulful work that matters to them.