What’s it all about?
Hooptopia is a place to PLAY!
Fun, flow and freedom. Giggles, dance, movement…and hula hoops of course! Discover your inner hoop star through the magical combination of hoops and dance. Learn foundation, flow and flare moves, pick up new tricks, practise hoop dance and PLAY.
Perfect for all experience and fitness levels. Loads of fun and as many hoops as you can handle. Let’s hoop!
What will we cover?
The Hoopla: Foundational hoop moves, time to experiment and a short choreography.
- Hoopy Warm Up
- Waist hooping + variations
- Weaves
- Smears
- Cloud Float
- Hand spin + variations
- Short choreography
Who will be teaching?
Hula hoop dancer, performer, teacher, maker, learner and lover, Donna Sparx is passionate about bringing dance into the hoop and sharing the freedom found in play and flow. Donna seeks to inspire creativity, fun and social connection through hula hooping.