What’s it all about?
Someone very wise once said that you can learn more about someone in an hour of play than you can in a lifetime of work!
If you’ve ever watched a television show like Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Thank God You’re Here, or The Slide Show, and envied the improvisers’ ability to create a story right off the top of their head; or watched a child play and wished you had their wild abandon and spontaneity; you’ll be relieved to know that everything you need to be a great improviser is already inside of you – and we’ll unlock it in this class! If you can talk, you can improvise. If you can generate an idea, you can improvise! If you can have fun – you can definitely improvise!
What will we cover?
This fun, interactive, and informal class will cover the very basics of improvisation: from the origins of improv on the streets of 16th century Italy, to the peak of its popularity with companies like Second City, to improv now: on television, and on the Melbourne stage! We’ll cover the very basics of improv, the dos and don’ts of creating a great improv scene (hint: there aren’t many don’ts!) and have you working with your fellow classmates to play games, have fun, and create your very own improv scenes!
This class is perfect for all levels of experience. All you need is a bit of confidence (if you misplace yours on the evening, you can borrow some of ours!), an urge to create, and a willingness to throw caution to the wind and let your ideas take you somewhere fantastic!
Who will be teaching?
Kate Iselin started her life as a clothing designer by working in the theatre as a Director, Producer, and finally Costume Designer. She has studied improvisational comedy with Impro Melbourne, and has also taught to large groups of excitable children in her work as an Artistic Director for a youth theatre. When not resisting adulthood by wearing sparkly headpieces, Kate is a writer and a blogger; and once had a crush on Drew Carey.