What’s it all about?
Are you dreaming of wrapping yourself in beautiful hand knitted scarves in this cold weather? Perhaps you can imagine yourself snuggled under a warm woollen blanket of your own creation. Join us to learn how to get started on your knitting journey.
What will we cover?
Knitting has come a long way since Nana pumped out the gaudy acrylic cardigans that had you scratching all day. There has been a resurgence of knitting this century that has seen knitters talking, blogging and socialising around knitting – even doing it in public. Yarn shops are popping up everywhere and there is an abundance of independent pattern designers. Become part of the revolution!
This class is designed for beginners so we will start with some basics including how to create our base stitches, the techniques required to execute two different types of stitches and how to finish off our work. With these skills you will be able to knit a scarf.
Who will be teaching?
Sue is an all round-crafty lady who will try her hand at anything in realm of the domestic arts. She has spent many years wielding needles to knit, crochet, sew and embroider and uses her skills to artfully avoid doing the housework.