Feldenkrais movement lessons to free up the ribs, upper back, shoulders and the breath. The movements help to open up the heart area to let your warm love flow. The movement explorations are enjoyable, relaxing, interesting and safe.
This is even more impactful for singers, actors, teachers, public speakers, wind instrument players and sports people – from the elite to the everyday. Enhance your performance at work, play, dance, yoga and loving.
Feldenkrais is a safe, easy and clever exercise system using gentle movement and mindfulness. You learn to release tightness and unconscious restriction and create natural, graceful and effective actions.
What will we cover?
- Practical movement exercises to examine and re-program the coordination of the muscles, skeleton and nervous system to release your chest, upper back, diaphragm and shoulders.
- Undo unconscious habits of tension and restriction
- Come out of your slump, physically and mentally
- Free your hunched shoulders easily and naturally
- Discover your sliding sternum
- Use the breath to massage your chest from the inside
- Learn techniques and principles for ongoing self-maintenance, injury prevention and injury recovery
- Improve your performance at work, play, yoga, dance and loving
What should I bring?
- A mat or blanket ready for lying on (the exercises will be done lying on the floor)
- Comfortable clothing is recommended
Who will be teaching?
Ralph Hadden is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner based in Melbourne. He is one of Australia’s most experienced Feldenkraisers, having been teaching since 1988.
He offers his own workshops, weekly classes and individual sessions, helping his clients recover from injury, build health and relaxation and improve performance at work and play. He has presented for many organisations including CAE, Arthritis Foundation, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Gawler Foundation and RMIT.
He teaches with clarity, respect and good humour, combining fun with serious learning. You can visit his website or Facebook page.
Important info:
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash.
Questions about the class or further accessibility requirements? Please email Maddy at melbourne@lanewaylearning.com.