What’s it all about?
Being able to mend our clothes is an important skill that serves us
throughout life. Whether it’s repairing that denim jacket, darning some
woolly socks, reinforcing elbows or the dreaded crotch mend! It gives
our favourite items of clothing extra life and longevity. And memories.
Sometimes subtlety is key, but sometimes go big or go home! That is,
why not mend visibly, colourfully, playfully and beautifully. Without a
doubt when other’s see your darning repairs, they’ll ask how you did.
It’s not that tricky, and well worth learning!
What will we cover?
This class has been designed to introduce beginner sewers to different techniques and methods for sewing, making and repairing clothing and textiles. This edition focuses on darning, which is
particularly great for a holey socks and jumper elbows.
All tools provided, but bring in an item to get to work on! Or learn and practice with sample fabric if needed.
Wheelchair Accessible Venue
Gender Neutral Bathrooms
Quiet Spaces
Discounted Early Bird Tickets
Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees

Who will be teaching?
Robyn Bunting is a reuse, repurpose and remake enthusiast who is the owner of : The Nicholas Building called ‘Harold and Maude‘
on level 2 of the Nicholas Building that focuses on recycling,
repurposing and remaking. She has spent 35 years working in Theatre,
film and television industry making all sorts of things using sewing
technique of all types.
Important info:
Photo on left ‘Mending’ (Creative Commons) by Fiona Dix on Flickr and photo on right by Joseph Sharp on Unsplash.
Any questions or other accessibility needs we can help
you with? Feel free to email Maddy (she/her) at