What’s it all about?
Do you wish you could get a massage every week? Learn the basics of relaxing touch with a friend in this easy to follow along class. Of course if you need treatment you go and see a professional but do you know how many people say that they “just feel tight”? Become more in touch with your own body and how to ask for what you would like and massage can be part of your everyday life!
What will we cover?
Firstly, we will get comfortable, both the person delivering the massage and the person receiving it! You will see how it’s done even if you don’t have a massage table at home. We will cover basic communications process, including how to give feedback kindly (so you get more massage, not less) as well as techniques including pressure, movement and a variety of touch to relax.
Who will be teaching?
Clare developed a fascination with the human form and function through life drawing, dance and being unco-ordinated at sports which lead her to roll up her sleeves and get hands on. She was a Myotherapist for 8 years and now she’s retired from it only massages people she loves, she also teaches the self massage class “knots away!” In her spare time she upcycles things in crafty ways and loves to rewild with her buddies in the forest.