What’s it all about?
Feeling overwhelmed by a cluttered home and life? Creating a permanently clutter free home is possible, for even the most cluttered of us!
The key is minimising excess stuff. Forget intricate organisation systems or storage methods, by applying a minimalist approach to your home and letting go of unnecessary items, you will create the clear, calm space you’re dreaming of.
What will we cover?
The class is designed to provide practical ‘how to’ advice on decluttering your home and facilitate discussion around the concept of minimalist living. You will learn and discuss:
Home decluttering 101:
- Where to begin
- A step-by-step method for decluttering your home
- How to mange road blocks such as letting go of sentimental items and dealing with resistance from loved ones
- Ideas for repurposing / responsible recycling
Minimalist lifestyle design:
- What is minimalism
- The role ‘stuff’ plays in our lives
- The case for owning less
The class will focus on steps to minimise excess, not organisation tips and storage methods.
Who will be teaching?
Elesha Piper is a minimalist lifestyle coach and writer at Minimise to Maximise. Becoming a minimalist in 2014, she has since experienced the profoundly positive effect of a minimalist mindset and habits in her own life. Elesha is absolutely passionate about sharing the benefits of this lifestyle and helping others tackle their cluttered homes and lives. She does this by providing bespoke in-home minimising services to clients and free resources on her website and Facebook page.