What’s it all about?
So what’s up with the insurance in your super fund? Why are you paying something you didn’t ask for?
Personal insurance (life and income protection cover) is a hot topic in the media and relevant – because you probably have some and don’t know it! Learn through a fun, interactive and interesting evening that will give you the knowledge to organise your own cover. Create a proper plan B and get an inside story into why this stuff is a useful tool in your future growth.
What will we cover?
The class will cover:
- An interactive history on personal insurance.
- The mechanics of life and income protection.
- How to be a ‘grown up’ and organise yourself with a proper plan B should anything happen to you. (Yes stickers will be handed out).
Who will be teaching?
Scott is passionate about creating a proper ‘Plan B’ and has spoken to students at RMIT and Deakin universities. He holds a degree in economics from Flinders university in Adelaide and Cert IV in adult training and education.
Scott has been in the financial services industry for 6 years and is a senior planning specialist MW Lomax. He is an Authorised Representative (ASIC No. 0425977) of MW Planning Financial AFSL 312489. What this means is his business has no conflicting ownership from a financial institution.
He is a true believer in having fun whilst feeling protected and understanding life is no fun without taking some risks! Want to know more about him before the session, stalk him on LinkedIn.