What’s it all about?
The sex-less workshop for better sex!
In this workshop you’ll learn about the forgotten parts of your pleasure system! Did you think the joys of sexuality are limited to erogenous zones and erectile organs?
It’s not all about muscles, but you are better off with a strong set of them if you want to enjoy life and sex. We wont be talking too much about the act of sex in this class, but we will talk about what you can do to enjoy it more!
What will we cover?
- What are erogeneity and erectility?
- It’s not all about sex, but sex is all about!
- The pleasure muscle: the whole system.
- Gym limitations.
- Breath, move and enjoy.
- The asexual way to good sex.
Who will be teaching?
Sara is a personal trainer, pelvic floor expert and Low Pressure Fitness instructor, an innovative technique to tone the pelvic floor, reduce waist and enhance sexual pleasure, among other health benefits. She helps women of all ages with pelvic floor dysfunction prevention and recovery, as well as preparing their pelvic floor for pregnancy and birth. She delivers workshops on Ben Wa balls, better female orgasms and pelvic floor dysfunction prevention. Sara’s pelvic floor passion is led by a personal call to improve lives and understand what pelvic floor means in terms of sexuality, overall health and lifestyle for women and men.