What’s it all about?
It’s easy to get stuck when writing a screenplay, novel or play. Inspiration can get you started but doesn’t always lead to a fully formed character journeys.
This class is an introduction to creating that one sentence that can propel you from inspiration to completion in your story. We’ll analyse your favourite movies, books and TV shows to see what’s behind them, help you to understand how a compelling premise line is the key to their success and how you can create one for your own story.
What will we cover?
We will be covering:
- What a premise line is and what it’s basic elements are
- How premise lines are used in stories to make them compelling
- How to distill your story to its absolute essence
- In class activities that help with character, conflict and conclusions
Who will be teaching?
Josh Samuels is originally from Marin County, California, but has lived in the Southen Hemisphere for almost 10 years now. He is a writer of TV, theatre and a Twitter feed (but this mainly consists of puns). He has written two sketch comedy shows in the NZ International Comedy Festival and the sketch web series Sex or Breakfast.
You can check out his website or imdb.com page to prove that he is a real person.