What’s it all about?
Happiness. We all want it. But what is happiness? How do we become happy? Should we even be happy? These questions have inspired philosophers for centuries. But they didn’t have this class! We will explore the major philosophical positions and divides that form our ideas of happiness.
What will we cover?
We will find out what the new science of positive psychology is discovering about what contributes to our wellbeing and positive life outcomes.
You will get the opportunity to complete some measures of wellbeing and see how you are tracking. Finally, we will explore how you can take these learnings and apply them to your own life to cultivate the happiness of your loved ones and yourself.
Who will be teaching?
Anukesh (Kesh) Sharma is a current Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) student and the Content Creation Manager at Nirodah, where he builds and delivers programs that focus on violence prevention through wellbeing promotion. His experience lies in utilising positive psychology as an answer to complex systematic issues such as family and gendered violence. This has allowed him to apply positive psychology to diverse contexts such as schools, community organisations, tertiary education and sporting clubs. Kesh’s top realised strength is Service, his VIA signature strengths are Kindness, Fairness and Love of Learning. His passion lies in using his strengths to help others realise their potential.