What’s it all about?
Are you tired of people tilting their head to the side and sighing “awww” like you were an orphan puppy, every time you say you don’t have a love partner? Do you love to fly solo? Maybe you are single but you don’t really want to be a singleton. Or you are patiently waiting for your soulmate to experience the bliss of romance…
In any case, you are single now: own it! No need to put up with sympathy or pity from coupled friends and coworkers. Your grandma will never understand this, but being single is awesome and not only for the obvious reasons. Own your singlehood and make a wonderful life of it.
What will we cover?
- Single vs married.
- Why you are single and what is wrong with you.
- Significant others, soulmates and other fairy tales.
- Sex and singlehood: the myths of promiscuity and self-service.
- Solitude, rapture and intimacy: the ultimate commitment.
Who will be teaching?
Sara is a 37-year-old spinster very attached to her singlehood and fully committed to enjoy her life and her freedom, despite all the prejudices and the illogical pity her civil status raises among the traditional minded (including her grandma). She has been single for over 75% of her adulthood and succeeded to end two committed relationships to move ahead in life. Far from being a miserable, depressed and lonely singleton, Sara loves her life going solo and wants you to love yours. She has a fabulous blog and you can follow her on Facebook.