What’s it all about?
Been to see the symphony orchestra but didn’t really get it? Enjoyed the music but hoped for more?
Why don’t you come along and learn how to listen to, understand and enjoy a symphony orchestra.
What will we cover?
The class will cover:
- A brief overview on the history and development of classical music. We will walk through various periods of musical history from Bach to contemporary, recognise their genres and styles, and focus on what to listen for.
- We will then divide into groups and listen to excerpts, identifying images as depicted musically by the composer eg birds, romance, thunder/lightning, laughter and even sex.
- There will be plenty of time for questions and even some live music.
Who will be teaching?
Born in South Africa, Ron Jontof-Hutter studied music in Jerusalem and later joined the National Symphony Orchestra of South Africa. Since coming to Australia in 1988, he has participated in concerts with various chamber and orchestral groups including the World Doctors Orchestra and European Doctors Orchestra. He has spoken on the history of music in various countries, including guest lecturer at Cape Town University’s Summer School. Dividing his time between Melbourne and Berlin, Ron is also a writer. His satire “The trombone man: tales of a misogynist,” is due to be published shortly.