What’s it all about?
Ever wanted to:
- cut the cost of your grocery bill?
- become more self-sufficient?
- have more input / control of what you eat?
- make an edible weed pie?
- host a foraging expedition?
- avoid pesticides?
- contribute to sustainability?
- learn about worms?
Thought you couldn’t because you, your best mate, his sister, a drum kit and your two cats share a bedsit in a high-rise apartment block in the middle of the city? THINK AGAIN!
What will we cover?
With seventy five minutes up our sleeves we are going to smash through some simple, succinct and practical ‘how-to’s. This will focus on growing, finding, sharing and fertilising your own food in small spaces, apartments, urban dwellings and communities.
We will begin with enough basic information to get you started on your urban agriculture know-how:
- what to grow in containers and how
- sprouting, why and how
- equipment, start up costs and requirements: how to make and source your own
- more resources than you could poke a garden stake at
- photos, videos and real life examples
- basic weed identification and tips on how to cook with them
- urban foraging and foraging etiquette
And some more challenging skills like:
- small worm farms and bench top composts
- seed saving
On top of some sweet resources and plenty of know how you’ll be taking home your own sprouting jar and seeds so you can put your new skills to use in less time than it takes to shred your Everyday Rewards card and exclaim “Laneway was really RAWSOME tonight!”
Who will be teaching?
The Green Genie (GG for short) is all for empowering healthy people for a healthy planet. She loves to share her wealth of experience in small space gardening, food foraging, green cleaning, DIY cosmetics & perfumes, quality self-care and massage. Let her lead you up the garden path to a fresh, fun approach to sustainable living and self-sufficiency. She’ll probably want to stop to smell all the flowers on the way (maybe even pilfer a few) but apparently vegan chocolate helps her maintain focus… (ahem).