Our class on Live Looping on your iPhone is coming up, but do you know what Live Looping actually is?
You could think of it like the modern equivalent of a one-man band, except you create all the parts yourself separately and layer them on top of each other. For our first example, watch and listen to Marcdetriumphe combine guitar, beat-box, and vocals to create a whole song all by himself! He even uses the same app that we will be using in our class.
If you don’t have vocal or guitar skills that match Marcdetriumph, but have a bit more synthesizer power, you can create something similar to Rheyne. It’s a live performance: there is no prerecorded melody or harmony.
But you can be even more creative, especially if you don’t think you have any musical talent. In “Everything is an Instrument”, Dave Wallace shows how you can use the everyday objects around your house to make awesome music.
Finally, Reggie Watts is one of the ambassadors of this style of music, so you can check out his crazy music (and crazy hair!) in his Live Looping performance of “I Just Want To”.
So if you want to have a bit of fun, bring some friends along to Live Looping on your iPhone and make some music: singing totally 100% optional!
The image above is borrowed, with thanks, from Kristine Oplado under a Creative Commons License.