Lights, Camera, Stop!

We had a heap of fun at our Getting Started with Stop Motion class on Wednesday last week, thanks to our awesome teacher Jarrod Anderson. With just a few basic techniques, and a simple phone app, we were able to make our very own GIFs and videos just like Wallace and Gromit!

Move it a bit, take a photo…

Stop motion photo 3Stop Motion photo 1Stop motion photo 2

The finished products

Here are my own two creations from the night. It turns out the most important thing an animator needs to be able to create is a bouncing ball, so that’s what we all did first. Then we let our imaginations run wild, which lead to the weird blue growing thing in the second GIF.

First Stop MotionSecond Stop Motion

But two of our students, Deborah Liebhaber and Michael Leigh aimed much much higher and put together this amazing short short film. Remember, this was all done in about 30 minutes with no prior training!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

[No video audio.]

Jarrod and Gifbros

Jarrod is a professional animator who has worked on big films such as The Lego Movie, but he also likes to get down-and-dirty with stop-motion wherever he goes. Check out Gifbros to see some of the things he and his friends get up to. You could even submit your own creations if you get the bug!

And to other students who came to the class: we still would love to see what you came up with. Email or tweet us and we can share them with the world.