

Making and Drawing Illustrated Lists with Emilie (online)

Lists are easy to make, they help you stay organised, and they make for a great addition in any art journal. Not only can lists be a creative tool, but they can help you clear your mind, focus, and stimulate creativity when approached through art! If you love checking items of your to-do list, or …


A Practical Introduction to Coding with Alind

What’s it all about? Coding isn’t a scary word! And computer programming is not just a vocational skill– it can be creative, accessible, practical, and fun! Come along and learn how to code by doing it for yourself! In this workshop we’ll get you hands on and working with basic code as we learn how …


The Tale of That Copyrighted Black and Gothic Upcycling with Maria

You might not have heard of “Vantablack”, but it’s a wild and curly tale of colour copyrights, light absorbing darkness, satellites and…home decor!?   Simply put, Vantablack is the darkest black pigment humans have created, originally as a form of military camouflage. It’s extremely matte, meaning it doesn’t reflect light, giving it its extra dark appearance.  …


Signature Scents: Make Your Own Perfume with Lily

As seasons change, so do the unique scents around us. Which is partly why, across the globe, humans find smell a very evocative sense that triggers memories and nostalgia. In Lily’s class you’ll learn all about the composition of perfume: how to create blends of top, middle and base notes to combine into your very …


Aged Cheeses: Make Your Own Vegan Cheeses with Elodie

If you’ve ever tried to give up dairy, you know how hard it can be to give up cheese! But there are lots of reasons why non-dairy cheeses are a good option: whether you’re vegan, sensitive to dairy, aware of your food miles, or are on a budget. This class specifically focuses on vegan versions of …


Cute Closed Terrariums with Winter

Closed terrariums are miniature, self-sufficient indoor gardens. They’re cute, fun to make, simple to care for, and easy to recreate again at home.  If you manage to kill even the most un-killable of cacti but still yearn for some greenery at your office or home, then working with terrariums might be your best bet. A terrarium is …


Watercolour for Beginners: Picturesque Portraits with Emilie (online)

Come and enjoy the wonderful world of watercolour paintings! This beginners class will teach you skills and techniques to create your own piece of watercolour art. You will experiment with colour and shapes to create a pretty portrait! Emilie’s classes are accessible and fun. No one is left behind and absolutely no prior experience is …