What’s it all about?
Want to become more focused and less distracted in your daily life? Deal better with stress, anxiety and insecurity? Relate more positively with others, whether a loving spouse or a difficult colleague?
Thousands of years of insight from wisdom traditions, and more recently from psychology and neuroscience, have shown us how practising meditation can help us create greater happiness and well-being in our lives.
So whether you’re curious about meditation, puzzled about the differences between meditation versus mindfulness, or having difficulties practising meditation, this class will help break it down for you and give you a taster of the different types for everyday life.
What will we cover?
We’ll debunk some of the myths about meditation and briefly learn the science supporting it. After that you’ll get introduced to three different types of meditation and ‘taste’ your way through each in short 7-minute sessions.
Overall, you’ll gain tools to help you break through limiting beliefs and mind patterns, understand how to switch from stress to calm in 60 seconds, and learn how to live more consciously in your daily life.
Who will be teaching?
Devina Naidu is currently studying her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne. She’s passionate about applying scientific research and using contemplative traditions to help people fulfil their potential and lead a more rich and flourishing life. Aside from that, she also loves climbing trees, dancing to annoying pop songs, and drinking tea slowly.