What’s it all about?
We all have items of clothing languishing in our closets unworn, because they’re too long or short, tight or loose, or they simply need a little TLC. Whether its a hem that needs adjusting, some fast fashion that has come unstuck, or an op shop find that could do with a tweak, a few basic sewing skills and some tips and tricks will get your wardrobe malfunctions back on your bods in no time!
No need to contribute to the mountain of second-hand clothing inundating our charities (most of which does not get reworn), buy replacement clothing or pay for costly alterations.
Come along to our sewing bee with an item or two of neglected clothing and together we’ll work out a way to make it new again. This is a skill sharing class suitable for both absolute beginners and competent stitchers. Men are encouraged to attend!
What will we cover?
The class will be driven by the mending and alteration projects bought along by you and, due to venue and equipment constraints will focus mainly on handstitching. In the spirit of the sewing bee as a social, sharing space, and as there is only one teacher to go around, more experienced participants are encouraged give the beginners a helping hand.
We will learn 3 basic hand stitches with which you can:
- take/up, let down and fix hems on pants and skirts.=,
- rejoin seams where the stitching has split, and
- close rips and holes and sew on buttons so they stay on.
While you are working on your projects your teacher will discuss and show examples of handy alteration techniques such as how to:
- remove or add in darts,
- turn a worn collar,
- add panels to skirts and tops to make them bigger, and
- take up jeans legs invisibly without removing the original hem.
Pins, needles and some threads, scissors, an iron and an ironing board will be provided. Handout notes will be given out showing stitches, tips and further references. Bring your own garments for alteration and mending and thread to match (along with your sewing kit if you have one).
Who will be teaching?
Gaye Naismith is a lifelong sewer (machine and hand), a sometimes seamstress and as Gaye Abandon, a creator of homewares and accessories from upcycled textiles. One of her favourite materials is felted wool and she can often be found in her local Savers riffling through the jumper aisles.