What’s it all about?
Raw food ‘cooking’ is preparing vegan food at temperatures below 44°C, which preserves nutrients and richness of taste.
In this class you will discover some raw food basics to incorporate into your recipe repertoire. All recipes will be tasty, fun to make and so easy because there is NO COOKING involved: just blending, chopping and spiralising. Most of all though – all recipes are healthy and quick to make! Raw food can be eaten alone or compliment a traditional diet.
What will we cover?
In this workshop we will be milking nuts to make almond milk, making a green smoothie favourite, cracking open some Young Thai Coconuts – the easiest way ever – and making a delicious raw pasta dish that you will want to make every week for dinner because it is sooo good!
Who will be teaching?
Ally has been ‘cooking’ raw food for about 2 years. In November 2012 she decided she wanted to know ALL about raw food and set herself a goal to make one new raw food recipe every day for a year. It was an amazing year: scouring shops after work for ingredients, staying up to the wee hours of the mornings, and spending weekends in the kitchen or in health food shops whilst trawling cook books and the internet for recipes in the evenings. Ally loves to share what she has learnt about the amazing world of raw food.