What’s it all about?
Would you like something fancy around your neck this spring?
After we’ve thawed out from our icy Melbourne winter it’s time to get out and about wearing something funky. Don’t have time to create a designer original? What if I told you, you could create one in just 20 minutes with no knitting equipment necessary by knitting on your arms?!
What will we cover?
Come along and learn a fun, quirky, creative project which puts a new spin on an old craft.
Arm knitting introduces the health and wellbeing benefits of making it yourself. All you need is your arms and your enthusiasm to get involved and have a go.
Who will be teaching?
Sam Harlow-Black is the textile designer and mad knitter brains behind Knitmadmum. Her passion is to bring the fun back into woolly crafts of all kinds by teaching knitting and spinning, as well as designing her own custom knits and yarns. As a teacher, designer and art therapist, Sam is a true believer in the stress relieving power of all things woolly, which she is very excited to share with people at Laneway Learning and the wider community.
Simplifying the craft and bringing the funky back into knitting, as well as making craft accessible to all who would like to try, are Sam’s main goals for Knitmadmum.