What’s it all about?
Not sure about the difference between a truckers hitch and a clove hitch? A figure of 8 and a Prusik Knot? Or even just a reef knot or a granny knot?
Knowing how to tie a good knot is an important life skill, whether you need to secure a load to the back of your ute, if you’re camping, adventuring or just need to tie your shoelaces. We’ll help you tighten up your skills and tie up the loose ends in your knotting knowledge.
What will we cover?
We will be learning how and when to tie and untie some of these useful ones, including:
Reef knot and Granny knot
- Clove hitch
Figure of 8 knot
The famous Truckers hitch
Prusik knot
After the class you will be knotting with confidence!
Who will be teaching?
Gordon Young is the owner of ‘Copper, Bone and Light’ handmade crafts. He learned knots as a Scout and is also a professional ethicist, environmental consultant and lecturer, and teacher of our Ethics for Our Future World series.