What’s it all about?
Board gaming is experiencing a resurgence. Not the classic family games such as Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders, but new, interesting and exciting games of all kinds. We all enjoy playtime, and thanks to a huge explosion in the gaming market, there are now games to suit everyone’s tastes making it a social activity that many enjoy both on evenings and weekends.
But what are these new games? How are they different? Where can you try them out or pick some up, and which game is right for you? These questions and more will be answered during this class!
What we will cover?
Firstly, a brief history of games, and how a couple of European games managed to ignite a whole new market around the world. Then a look into the various types of games currently available, with an introduction to some of the most popular ones on the market.
With some copies of these games available to look at and discuss, we will see what these games have to offer, and help find the right introduction to board gaming for you. We will have handouts running through the various groups in Melbourne, for those looking to try games out with new people, as well as with online resources and local shops, if you are interested in looking into new games to picking up and play with friends.
Most importantly, Ben will aim to convince everyone that board gaming is more social, fun and engaging than the old family games of decades gone by, and a hobby worthy of everyone’s attention.
“The true object of all human life is play. Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton
Who will be teaching?
Ben Turner was a keen gamer back in his childhood, who lost his way after his teenage years, and took almost a decade to rediscover gaming. Now, for the last 10 years, he has discovered new games and gaming groups both in London and now Melbourne where he regularly hosts one of the several popular board gaming groups around the city. A keen gamer, he loves teaching games to new gamers and veterans alike. He aims to use this passion for teaching games to now introduce the board gaming hobby itself to those less familiar with it but curious to know more.